山根明季子 Akiko Yamane - Dots Collection #2(點收藏2號)(2007)
小畑有史 Yuto Obata - Airly-Fairly(空靈的)(2020)
徐仪 - 自我-非自我 (2020)
Linda Catlin Smith - Clouds(雲)(2016)
徐仪 - LIAO (2010)
Anthony Braxton - Composition 40N (作品40N) (1975)
Ross Aftel - The Garden of Hope Studies (希望的花園作品)(2021)
打擊樂家 - 區若思 Ross Aftel
2020年取得音樂博士學位,Ross Aftel 同時擁有音樂學、音樂理論、作曲、表演等四個音樂學位。他曾經在塞爾維亞、德國、中國大陸、和美國各地演出。並在美國和塞爾維亞發表了關於身心障礙、音樂教育中的文化政治、以及現代音樂中的中華美學的研究。
他參與過 卡爾海因茲·史托克豪森(Karlheinz Stockhausen)、岸野末利加 Malika Kishino、徐儀、山根明季子 等多位知名作曲家的作品首演。也在 Doug Varone 舞蹈團、Perry Mansfield 舞蹈節以及三所大學擔任過舞蹈伴奏和共同演出。2015-2020年期間擔任 Emerson 弦樂四重奏的檔案員。近期的音樂成果展現則含括了與 Dylan Ebrahimian 合作的2021上海時裝週-MASHAMA開幕秀音樂,以及用舞蹈、打擊樂和音響呈現的藝術表演 《The girl K project》。
Ross Aftel received his doctorate in music in 2020, and also has four other degrees in musicology, music theory/composition, and performance. He has performed in Serbia, Germany, China, and throughout the United States. He has given lectures at universities throughout the US and Serbia on research topics such as disability, pedagogy, cultural politics and inclusion in music, and Chinese aesthetics in modern music. Ross has worked on premiering pieces from composers like Karlheinz Stockhausen, Malika Kishino, 徐仪, Akiko Yamane, Nicholas Nelson, Agata Zubel, Szilard Mezei, Chikako Morishita, and others. Ross has worked as a dance accompanist and collaborator for 3 universities, Doug Varone Dance Company, and the Perry Mansfield Dance Festival. From 2015-2020, Ross was the archivist for the Emerson String Quartet. Most recent projects include collaborating with Dylan Ebrahimian on music for the 2021 Shanghai Fashion Show for the designer “Masha Ma”, and co-creating “the girl k project”, a show for dancer, percussionist, and sound projectionist. He is now teaching English and music in Taichung.
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一般入場票 General Admission
2021/11/11 00:00(+0800) ~ 2021/12/18 18:00(+0800) 結束販售 |